detachable x session (X11 application that acts like sysutils/screen)
(too old to reply)
2010-04-12 11:46:43 UTC
Has anyone done anything with a program that acts like sysutils/screen
but with an X11 screen instead of a terminal? x2x and xnest both look
like they have some promise. Basically I work on projects located on
one of two systems, but I may bounce between another set of
workstations where I am physically located. If I am handling something
that I can work on console-only without trouble, I use
sysutils/screen, however some times I either need X, or X would be a
bit more effective for me. I'd like to be able to leave a xsession
running somewhere and be able to detach it and reattach to it between
login sessions.

Has anyone had experience doing this? What programs do you use?

-Jim Stapleton
2010-04-12 11:49:30 UTC
Post by Jim
Has anyone done anything with a program that acts like sysutils/screen
but with an X11 screen instead of a terminal? x2x and xnest both look
like they have some promise. Basically I work on projects located on
one of two systems, but I may bounce between another set of
workstations where I am physically located. If I am handling something
that I can work on console-only without trouble, I use
sysutils/screen, however some times I either need X, or X would be a
bit more effective for me. I'd like to be able to leave a xsession
running somewhere and be able to detach it and reattach to it between
login sessions.
Has anyone had experience doing this? What programs do you use?
-Jim Stapleton
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x11vnc should be able to do the job
Matthias Apitz
2010-04-12 11:55:59 UTC
Post by Jim
Has anyone done anything with a program that acts like sysutils/screen
but with an X11 screen instead of a terminal? x2x and xnest both look
like they have some promise. Basically I work on projects located on
one of two systems, but I may bounce between another set of
workstations where I am physically located. If I am handling something
that I can work on console-only without trouble, I use
sysutils/screen, however some times I either need X, or X would be a
bit more effective for me. I'd like to be able to leave a xsession
running somewhere and be able to detach it and reattach to it between
login sessions.
Has anyone had experience doing this? What programs do you use?
I did this in the past to monitor from home or over the weekend how
certain long run operations, having xterm as their start env, or even
browsers to run Jelly scripts into some database. I used for this a
normal Linux workstation here in house and connected to this from my own
laptop or from remote with vncviewer. Works fine and without much to

Matthias Apitz
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¡Ya basta! ¡Tropas de OTAN, fuera de Afghanistan!
There's an end of it! NATO troups out of Afghanistan!
Schluss jetzt endlich! NATO raus aus Afghanistan!